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_ science_and_awareness_bof_en _

1.Science and consciousness

What does modern science have to say about consciousness? Or rather, what does modern science allow us to elaborate as a model of consciousness?.
The Indian sageMaharishi_Mahesh_Yogi was a disciple of Swami_Brahmananda_Saraswati the Shankaracharya from Jyotir_Math He had also been trained in modern physics (Bachelor's degree in physics from Allahabad University) In the 1950s, he declared : "Through the window of science, I see the dawn of the age of enlightenment for mankind..
" What motivated such a statement? Presumably the realization that through modern science and, in particular, quantum theory, he saw the possibility of what he later called an integrated science of life through the unification of modern physics and ancient Vedic science..
He also declared that quantum theory was in fact the theory of consciousness..
I described in the article the_postulates_of_quantum_mechanics_txt_en how quantum theory reveals two essential things about our overall understanding of the universe, namely :

  • the deepest nature of physical reality is non-physics (this is the central concept of state vector or wave function in quantum mechanics) .
  • physical reality can only be observed from an observer who-itself is non-physics.
    (otherwise it would be part of the physical system and could not take on the role of the observer, which by definition must be independent of the observed physical system..
    Jyotir Math nwebs) 1.1.Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has never ceased in his career to study, and have studied, the rapprochement between modern science and Vedic science..
    It brought together scientists, some of them famous (nobel prize) as :

    For Maharishi, this rapprochement was to lead to the theory of the unified field..
    Maharishi is best known for teaching the transcendental meditation technique : pourquoi_maharishi_est_sorti_des_himalayas_pour_enseigner_la_meditation_transcendantale I followed his teaching at the same time as I was studying physics, and I was particularly sensitive to his work, which had a powerful impact on my perception of the world, not only in terms of my intellectual mind, but also in terms of my inner experience..
    In order to share this knowledge, I have been working regularly on an essay which I am now making available to you. : essay_text_en