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Santa's secret

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Santa's secret.

The story of Santa's secrets.

Little children know from experience that Santa Claus exists.
In a repetitive and therefore reproducible, every year on the morning of December 25th the toys ordered by letter to Santa Claus are well there, if not all of them, at least some of them.
There is therefore no reasonable argument to question the existence of Santa Claus.

Nevertheless, the knowledge that little children have of Santa Claus is very limited(at least for most of the between them). At first it doesn't matter much to them, they consider Santa Claus to be magical, which means that there is mystery around Santa Claus and they are right to consider that.

But a little knowledge is dangerous for knowledge.
Knowledge is only really at its ease when it is total.
Therefore, it is very important that all children who believe in the existence of Santa Claus know that there are two secrets of Santa Claus.

The knowledge of Santa Claus is complete when you know these two secrets.
The admirable knowledge of the Father Christmas is such that even if we know these two secrets, Santa Claus continues to be magical.
The reason is that it's in Santa's nature to be mysterious.

A small child who will start to think about Santa Claus, without having access to his knowledge(which curiously seems to only have never been revealed to them) will face many pitfalls.
And serious adults in the sense of the little prince of Saint-Exupéry are simply children who have failed in their quest to know Santa Claus.

The reason for this failure is mysterious at least for the first child who failed.
On the other hand, it is unfortunately explained very well now that there are many serious adults.
These adults negatively influencing children in their search for Santa Claus, they no longer perceive the need to continue their quest beyond a certain limit.

The main cause of this failure seems to be the existence of the two secrets of Santa Claus: When the child discovers the first secret when his mind is not yet sufficiently awake, it is for him a great disappointment.

He perceives only one side of this secret and this takes away the energy to continue.
Discovering something can lead to stop searching, which is dramatic, because it is by searching that one has found a first time and instead of glorifying the research that gave this result, we glorify the discovery that we made.
It is a trap which leads the human being to be satisfied with what he is, whereas he could be dissatisfied with what he is. it is not yet.
It does not give research what it deserves: its full attention! Santa's first secret is hard to digest for a child, so hard to digest that it becomes a poison, this poison seems to kill the child.
However, the child cannot completely die, it is like Snow White in her glass coffin, paralyzed by the piece of poisoned apple in her throat.

Santa's first secret gets stuck in the child's throat and he chokes and falls into a deep sleep.

Know, little sleeping children, that the day will come when you will be able to reject the poisoned piece of apple that is the incomplete knowledge of Santa Claus, this will happen the day you perceive in his great light the second Santa's secret.

And you little children, still ignorant of this terrible secret, I beg you not to lose confidence in the Santa Claus, when you know his first secret, it is only a test to access his second secret.

Now that you have been warned(insufficiently, I admit it and despite my good will, I can't help it. more, because a test is always a test)I'm going to tell you what most parents do, Santa's first secret.
If you don't feel strong enough to know this secret, stop reading or block your ears and shout loudly so as not to hear anything.
Maybe it's better to wait before facing this first secret.
Nevertheless, don't forget that it is a necessary step to access the second secret, that it is vital to know.

Here is Santa's first secret: "In reality, it is the parents who give Santa toys, which they found in toy stores.

These toys come from many toy factories around the world.
Many people work their entire lives life just making toys for Christmas.
" So now what to do with this secret, I hope with all my heart that you will not deduce as have done all serious yet stupid adults that Santa Claus does not exist "because it is the parents".

Any scientist will tell you that this is a hasty conclusion made under the blow of surprise and that nothing should be concluded without a minimum of further investigation and research! But unfortunately, the conclusion that all "serious parents" make is that "Santa Claus does not exist".

The more I think about how it is possible to have made such a serious mistake, the less I understand how this could have happened!
First of all, we can realize that despite all the reasoning of "serious adults", they really don't know that very little about the universe and its mysteries.
So why should we trust them when they say that they are and without any doubt, that Santa Claus does not exist.

If it doesn't exist, it's because they have been wrong for years, since they believed in it before! Why do they Having been deceived for years, can they be sure of themselves now! At least they should concede that " Santa Claus may exist", simply by acknowledging that their knowledge is limited.

Now that this is established, let's continue to analyze the situation.
Just what do we know.
Let's summarize in a few words phrases our knowledge of Santa Claus.

Every year at Christmas, we receive gifts, and for the children toys most of the time.
We receive well other toys the rest of the year( on our birthday for example) but it is during the Christmas party that we receive the most.

We now know that these toys are made by people in factories, that there is a huge organization that exists so that every child can have his or her Christmas toys.

If we look for the reason of all this, the only one we know is Santa Claus.
No one else assumes responsibility for all this organization, all this activity.
The only person invoked for this is Santa Claus.
Santa Claus has had no competition so far.

When Christmas comes, everyone answers Santa's call.
Santa Claus is therefore a person who is very much listened to and respected and no one in his right mind would disregard its call.

Responsible for such a huge activity without anyone being able to say with certainty where the Father is Christmas, we see clearly that Santa Claus is a magical and mysterious person that nobody really knows but to whom all have obeyed for a very long time.

All these reflections do not lead us to doubt Santa Claus, on the contrary, the measure of his influence does not gives it more existence in our mind and in our heart.

You now know the basis of Santa's second secret.

"Santa Claus exists for real".

However I must warn those who understand this.
If you continue to believe in Santa Claus, which is normal, given the above.
You have to know how to be discreet because most of the "serious" still think that Santa Claus doesn't exist and you could get into trouble if you explain the opposite.

This is due to several reasons.

No one likes to be wrong, and "serious" people don't like to realize that they are wrong as long.
They prefer the horror of continuing to be wrong without knowing it, than to stop being wrong by knowing it.

When they learned Santa's first secret and fell into the illusion that they no longer believed to Santa Claus, it is possible that they had a huge grief, a huge disappointment.
It hurt them so much that they preferred to forget everything about this story.
They no longer believe in Santa Claus and have forgotten how they have come to this! So if you start telling them that Santa Claus exists in real life, it reminds them of a and it becomes impossible for them to listen to you anymore.

Now that I hope you have followed me here, we can continue to get to know the Santa Claus.
This is the second secret of Santa Claus that awaits us, It is a wonderful secret that we already know something: we know that everyone obeys Santa Claus.
But we still don't know why.

The most important point in our reflection is to discover why Santa Claus leads to the intense activity toys around Christmas.

The first revelation about Santa Claus is that every child magically receives gifts at Christmas.
According to the countries, the customs are different and the names change.
In time also the names have changed.
In Holland by e.g. Santa Claus is called Saint Nicholas or Santa Klaus.
But it's still Santa Claus.
No matter what name by which we call him, because we know very well what Santa Claus represents and who he is.
It is the one who sends us gifts.
This first revelation seems to be challenged by the second revelation which is Santa's first secret, the one that is hidden from little children.
The third revelation is that the we hide from the adults who could not bear the second revelation and which is at the same time the second secret, I repeat: "Santa Claus really exists"(but shush! We could be heard.
It is a great mystery how men came to stop believing in Santa Claus.
There was a time where Santa Claus did everything as if by magic.
It seemed so natural to us that we didn't think in terms of magic, it was normal, it had been like that every day since forever and nobody would have thought that it could to be otherwise.

The only thing Santa asked of us was to believe in him and listen to him.
To learn from him what that we did not know and finally to become like him knowing perfectly all magic.

The magic of Santa Claus can only work if you believe in it and that's why Santa Claus has given us the opportunity to asked to believe.
But a serious illness had taken hold of us.
It was laziness.
As Santa Claus did everything for us, we have become accustomed to doing nothing.
Now Santa Claus was saddened by this, because for our well he only asked one thing of us, I said "learn from him his magic and his mystery".
It is necessary to recognize that understanding something mysterious does not seem at first sight an easy thing.
We must therefore believe that it was really asking a lot of us, because finally it seems that we have chosen not to believe in the Santa Claus, so you don't have to do anything at all! What a mistake! Santa Claus, very sad, withdrew to his house, he knew that all this was inevitable and that only the little ones would be able children would continue to believe in him.

The consequence of Santa's withdrawal to his house was that Santa's magic no longer worked as before.

As I said, for a magic to work, you have to believe in it, it is the only condition for it to work. walk.
The magic wands, the perlimpinpin powder, the abracadabra, all that is only powder to the In my opinion, the only necessary ingredient for magic is that people believe in it! Since people no longer wanted to believe in Because of their laziness, the magic no longer worked and people were forced to do things.
Cultiver la land, grow things to eat, make houses, clothes, cook, and all the things that Santa Claus magically made.
It was the remedy for their laziness that Santa Claus had prepared for them, as if by magic, but which they considered a curse! As the little children continued to believe in Santa Claus, they were not struck by this curse and the adults in addition to their usual work to take care of themselves had to take care of their children and work even harder.

By dint of working and finding it hard, the adults began to miss Santa Claus, the less serious ones, of them, that is to say the wisest, had the idea to dedicate a day to Santa Claus.
This day was called "Christmas Day" and the adults had to work in addition to their usual work to make toys for the children who of course continued to believe in the magic of Santa Claus.

When the children were growing up they were told that Santa Claus was gone and later that he didn't exist, which in fact amounts to the same thing, it must be said! So we are still in the situation where Santa Claus has retired to his house.

Now we know why we don't see him anymore and why so many people work for Santa.

The day when people will really want to know Santa Claus and his magic, everything will be back to the way it was before and well even more because we will know the magic of Santa Claus.

I told you this story, to you who still believe a little in Santa Claus so that you believe even more each day and that soon the long awaited day will arrive.
Trust in Santa Claus.
You should know that more and more more and more not too serious adults believe in it and are ready to do the work that Santa Claus does for us. to get to know him and with him his magic.

Good luck.

PS: Oh yes, one last thing, I almost forgot.
Little children there is a possible redemption for "Serious Adults".

If your heart tells you that your parents are ready to question their mistake about Santa you can advise them<un_cours_en_miracles_nweb>(