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date of creation : 20241005- date of update : 20241005- generation date : 20241005_011953


1.Hexagone atlante

There is an impressive remnant of a hexagonal layout measuring 1111 km on each side. (total perimeter 6666 km ) under the sea off the Azores, visible with gmaps: This number is remarkable : if we want to leave a clear indication of our intention for a layout, we'll choose to repeat a number at different scales of size, in this case 4 scales of size..
It can be assumed that this is the part of a hexagon that has not been deformed by seismic activity, due to the absence of relief in this part..
The route continues in a distorted northward direction, ending at the Strait of Gibraltar..
In the south it ends at the town of Saint-Louis du Sénégal.
tracé_sous_marin_de_l_hexagone_atlante This region is reputed to be the location of Atlantis.
The latitudes and longitudes of the hexagon's western vertices, which are still visible from the hexagon, are also very specific. : 21 N,-21 W and 31 N,-21 W The angle at the southern point-west is 60°, which suggests a hexagon..
The angle at the north point-west is not 60°, but the north ridge-west is deformed by the relief that was not present when the hexagon was formed.
The completely visible western edge, 1111 km long, is perfectly straight and follows a meridian, which is quite extraordinary and supports the ancient definition of the metre, as do many ancient artefacts on the planet..
As shown by the definition of the Egyptian cubit used for the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
But also on sites such as Tiwanaku in Bolivia and Barabar in India..
see Patrice Pouillard's BAM video :BAM_le_metre_a_barabar_2024_02_21 And Quentin Leplat's :Quentin_Leplat_de_Carnac_à_tiwanaku_le_mètre_une_mesure_globe_trotteuse This length of 1111 km corresponds to 10° latitude ! If we consider the complete meridian, assuming that the length of the edge is accurate to the metre and using the same scheme of using the number 1 at all scales, we'll need to transfer this arc 18 times to complete the 180° of the meridian, which gives us: 18*1.111.
111 metres =19.999.
998 metres, equivalent to the 40 million metres of the meridian by the very definition of the metre.
This is the problem of the metre, which will be studied elsewhere to show that the definition of this unit has most certainly been transmitted by a filiation to the ancient Atlantean tradition, probably through the Egyptian tradition..
Various esoteric sources on the history of Atlantis show that it had colonies all over the world, which explains the universal use of the metre in ancient civilizations..
The width of the layout, which is constant throughout its visible section, is exactly 13 kilometers, so this unit is again present..
From this data, we can deduce the hexagon's shape.
France is known by the name of the hexagon. If we roughly draw the French hexagon, the side is about 500 km long. (so possibly 555 km) half the size of the Atlantean hexagon Is there a link between the France that restored lost unity and Altantide? Some answers can be found here :Didier_Coilhac_l_atlantide_et_versailles_1_2022_10_01 1.1.Coordinates hexagone atlante

  • Point sud-west of the hexagon at an angle of 60°. : 21°00' N -21°59' W
  • North point-1111 km from the southernmost point of the hexagon-west 31°01' N -21°59' W

    Note that latitude is defined by the distance between the two poles and therefore has a natural origin.
    while the origin of the longitude measurement is a conventional definition : méridien de Greenwich.

    If we wanted to have an exact longitude of 21°, the origin of the meridian would have to pass through Angers and Bordeaux..

    1.2.. lien avec la structure de richat : :20240829

  • the Structure_de_Richat is located at the same latitude that the south summit-west of the hexagon and at a distance of 1097 km, a difference of 14 km.
    compared with the 1111 km ridge, a difference of 1.
    2%, which, taking into account that have disrupted the structure is surprisingly close.

  • The geographical coordinates of the Richat structure are : 21°07′26″N, 11°24′07″O.

    A 10° longitudinal displacement from the south summit-west of France.

  • the Richat structure has an estimated diameter of 50 km, i.e. a longitudinal line of 1111 km from the southern summit-of the hexagon still falls within the Richat structure.


  • She's a candidate to locate Atlantis : hypothèses_de_localisation_de_l_atlantide_structure_de_richat

  • How could this lost structure in the middle of the Sahara be the location of Atlantis, reputed to be an island in the middle of the Atlantis Ocean?

  • In the book Le_Timée in Plato's introduction:

    The myth of Atlantis has given rise to countless controversies..

    Some believed that Atlantis had really existed, others that the story was an invention of Plato's, but was based on theories of the time. others have seen it as an allegory of the true story..

    Most recently, a geological scientist, Pierre_Termier

    proved that a vast collapse occurred at the end of the Quaternary Age west of the Strait of Gibratar..

  • see the l_atlantide_de_pierre_termier_txt_en in this passage analysis_by_Pierre_Termier_of_the_slaves_received_in_the_Acores_marine_beds_in where the existence of glassy basaltic lava shows that cooling took place at atmospheric pressure.
    otherwise the pressure at a depth of 3,000 metres would have caused the lava to crystallize..

    - In Plato's book Critias this description of the Atlantean capital can be found on page 28:

    This is how Poseidon, having shared the island of Atlantis, settled the children he had had with a mortal woman in a place on the island that I'm about to describe..

    On the seaward side, a plain stretched across the middle of the entire island, a plain that is said to have been the most beautiful of all plains, and fertile enough to support a wide range of crops. par excellence.

    Towards the center of this plain, at a distance of about fifty stadia, we saw a mountain that was everywhere of mediocre altitude..

    On this mountain dwelt one of those men who, in this country, were originally born of the earth.

    His name was Evénor and he lived with a woman called Leucippe..

    They begat an only daughter, Clito, who had just reached marriageable age when her father and mother died..

    Poseidon, having fallen in love with her, joined forces with her and fortified the hill where she lived, cutting out the perimeter with enclosures. made alternately of sea and land, the larger enveloping the smaller.

    He drew two on land and three on sea and rounded them off from the middle of the island, from which they were at equal distances everywhere, so as to make the passage impassable to men ; because in those days-here neither ships nor navigation.

    Lui-even embellished the central island, an easy task for a god.

    He raised two springs of water from the ground, one hot and the other cold, and made the earth produce varied and abundant food..

  • Using Google Earth, we can see that the relief of Richat's structure has the same shape as the center of the structure, two concentric zones of maximum altitude, separated by depressions.

  • As a reminder, according to Plato, the sinking of Atlantis took place some 12 to 13,000 years ago..

    On page 19 of the same text :

    First and foremost-that, all in all, nine thousand years have passed since the war that, according to the revelations of the Egyptian priests, broke out between the peoples who inhabited the-outside by-the columns of Heracles, and all those who lived beyond them.

    1.3.Other straight underwater routes

    A similar zigzag pattern can be found all along the Red Sea, which runs for a large part of its length along the ridge below-red sea navy.

    This route is 4 km wide.